Journalism needs an audience to survive, but isn’t sure how to earn its loyalty

As the news industry struggles to recapture this increasingly distant financial foothold, many within it are certain that the first step forward is to no longer take their audiences for granted. Instead, they have to be more deliberate about earning the audience’s loyalty.

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Read more about the article Journalism of Drum’s heyday remains cause for celebration – 70 years later
A picture taken on November 25, 2011 shows the cover of South African magazine Drum celebrating its 60 years in Johannesburg.

Journalism of Drum’s heyday remains cause for celebration – 70 years later

The African Drum was launched in 1951. After a lacklustre three months, the owner, Jim Bailey, brought a friend out from England, Anthony Sampson, to edit the magazine. They did some informal research and were told that black readers wanted sport, jazz, celebrities and “hot dames”.

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