Let us strive to increase women’s participation in industry

By increasing the participation of women in industry we, directly and indirectly, seek to achieve our overall economic goals in terms of increasing employment opportunities, advancing skills and innovation and providing them with financial security for themselves and their families, which results in better living conditions for the entire community.

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Journalism needs an audience to survive, but isn’t sure how to earn its loyalty

As the news industry struggles to recapture this increasingly distant financial foothold, many within it are certain that the first step forward is to no longer take their audiences for granted. Instead, they have to be more deliberate about earning the audience’s loyalty.

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CEO of the month Most Impacting Business

In his role as the CEO, Geoffrey Odundo has successfully spearheaded the development of innovative financial solutions for both investors and issuers, making the NSE the second most product diverse market in Africa, making Kenya realize its aspiration of becoming Africa’s premium financial services hub by the year 2030.

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