We gathered rich insights into child survival in Kenya by mapping patterns over 22 years

By Peter Macharia, Newton Int'l fellow at Lancaster University and Visting researcher, KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme and Emelda Okiro, Head of Population Health Unit, KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme…

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Top 25 Most Transformative Leaders Impacting Business

Equipped with his vast wealth of experience spanning over 20 years in tax administration among other key strategic disciplines, Githii Mburu has demonstrated that the war against tax evasion and related crimes can and will be won.

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Top 25 Most Transformative Leaders Impacting Business

On and off the tourism docket, CS Najib Balala is the lead actor playing a major role in the Kenya Tourism movie, sustaining its growth and anchoring hope for the millions of Kenyans whose life and livelihood is hinged on the health of the sector.

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US anti-abortion “gag rule” hits women hard: What we found in Kenya and Madagascar

The Global Gag Rule requires non-governmental organisations (NGOs) based outside the US that receive US government global health assistance to certify that they will not use any funding to provide legal abortion services, referrals, or information to clients, or to advocate for the liberalisation of a country’s abortion law.

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Okonjo-Iweala in the WTO top job: Breaking the glass ceiling is a win for all women

Data shows that the number of women in positions of power, the number of women as captains of industry, compared to that of men is appallingly low. By 2030 the world is expected to have at least achieved some gender equality as set out in the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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