Top 25 Most Impactful Chairs of Boards 2024

Kiprono, affectionately known as ‘Kip’, has directed particular attention towards spearheading the revival of the privatisation program in Kenya, with the aim of facilitating the divestment of several state-owned enterprises (SOEs)

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Top 60 Most Transformative CEOs Impacting The Economy

Being a CEO comes with many rewards but also many challenges. Transitioning from being a hands-on entrepreneur, who drives everything and controls all decision-making, to becoming a true leader has been Wandia's greatest challenge.

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Top 60 Most Transformative CEOs Impacting The Economy

Flora Mutahi’s journey, from founding and leading the largest natural-flavoured tea company in Kenya to her various board positions, reflects a remarkable career path built on innovation, strategic leadership and impactful social initiatives

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Top 60 Most Transformative CEOs Impacting The Economy

Dr Rao's strategic guidance has been pivotal in directing Crown Paints towards impressive successes, including the expansion into new markets, the optimisation of products, and the substantial growth of market share across the Eastern African region.

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