The ins and outs of Kenya’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout plan

Vaccine rollout will be done in three phases. The first involves 1.25 million people and runs between now and June 2021. Phase two will run between July 2021 and June 2022, targeting the most vulnerable, including the elderly and those above 18 years with comorbidities. It targets 9.76 million people.

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Can employers require workers to take the Covid-19 vaccine? 6 questions answered

Given the broad set of rights that the law gives employers in order to promote health and safety, in some cases it is possible for an organization to go even further and terminate employment if a worker refuses vaccination and there is no reasonable way to provide an accommodation.

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Read more about the article Belly fat linked to higher risk of premature death, regardless of your weight
Woman with a big belly measuring herself by yellow tape measure.

Belly fat linked to higher risk of premature death, regardless of your weight

Body fat (known as adipose tissue) plays an important role in our physiology. Its main purpose is to take glucose from the blood and safely store this energy as lipid inside our fat cells, which our body uses later for fuel.

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Read more about the article Why are we calling it ‘social distancing’? Right now, we need social connections more than ever
Empty seats with a social distancing

Why are we calling it ‘social distancing’? Right now, we need social connections more than ever

Physical distance is important, but it’s equally necessary we maintain social closeness during this time. Staying connected with others will make us happier, healthier, and more socially responsible as we continue to contend with this crisis.

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Read more about the article How deadly is the coronavirus? The true fatality rate is tricky to find, but researchers are getting closer
Covid-19 deaths in Brazil

How deadly is the coronavirus? The true fatality rate is tricky to find, but researchers are getting closer

Even if health officials had accurate pictures of the number of infections and deaths over time, they can’t just divide the number of deaths by March 15 by the number of infections by March 15. It can take weeks before an infected patient dies from Covid-19.

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Read more about the article Young Nigerians, relationships and risky sexual behaviour: survey findings
Young couple

Young Nigerians, relationships and risky sexual behaviour: survey findings

Historically, parents and family members would initiate and monitor romantic relationships between two young people intending to become a couple. But in more recent times, individuals have been freer to make their own choices.

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Read more about the article How to help someone you live with who has depression
Stressed woman

How to help someone you live with who has depression

Rates of depression in adults and young people are already concerning, and are predicted by the World Health Organization to rise. By 2030, depression will be the highest burden of disease globally, which refers to the overall impact of a health problem, including the financial cost.

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