The ins and outs of Kenya’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout plan

Vaccine rollout will be done in three phases. The first involves 1.25 million people and runs between now and June 2021. Phase two will run between July 2021 and June 2022, targeting the most vulnerable, including the elderly and those above 18 years with comorbidities. It targets 9.76 million people.

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Can employers require workers to take the Covid-19 vaccine? 6 questions answered

Given the broad set of rights that the law gives employers in order to promote health and safety, in some cases it is possible for an organization to go even further and terminate employment if a worker refuses vaccination and there is no reasonable way to provide an accommodation.

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Backlash against Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine is real and risky – here’s how to make its rollout a success

If states don’t plan carefully for how the vaccines are distributed, the result could be a nightmare of frustrated patients and wasted vaccine.

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Read more about the article Why it matters that the coronavirus is changing – and what this means for vaccine effectiveness
covid vaccine

Why it matters that the coronavirus is changing – and what this means for vaccine effectiveness

Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines work by training our immune systems to recognize a specific version of the viral spike protein. The version of the spike protein used by the vaccines was designed to match that of the old virus, not that of the B.1.1.7 virus.

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Read more about the article Why the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine is now a global game changer

Why the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine is now a global game changer

Despite the Oxford vaccine having lower overall effectiveness than the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines—at least at this interim stage—there are other success factors to consider. Safety is one, and the Oxford vaccine is so far reported to have a good safety record with no serious side-effects.

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Read more about the article Covid-19: Examining theories for Africa’s low death rates
Public health officers at the grave of a coronavirus fatality at the Langata cemetery in Nairobi, Kenya, April 16, 2020.

Covid-19: Examining theories for Africa’s low death rates

The most obvious factor for the low death rates is the population age structure. Across multiple countries the risk of dying of Covid-19 for those aged 80 years or more is around a hundred times that of people in their twenties.

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