Dr Wilfred Marube
Dr. Wilfred Marube is a focused and highly motivated practitioner and researcher in the field of communications management.
He has made tremendous contribution to the public relations industry. As the new CEO of Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency (KEPBA) since June 2020, Dr Marube’s vision is to see Kenya having grown its exports beyond 25 percent annually, as reflected in the 3-year strategic plan that the institution has put in place.
The agency’s strategic plan seeks to develop, diversify and brand Kenya’s export products; to develop and diversify Kenya’s export markets; to manage image and reputation of the Kenya brand and to strengthen the institutional capacity of the agency to deliver on its mandate.
He believes that the agency can contribute to growing exports by 6.5% every year (KES. 60-70 billion annually). He has thus recognized the need to develop and diversify export products and markets that has led to the development of an integrated export market identification and prioritization framework that will enable direct resources towards markets that portend higher returns for the country. As such, 19 key products and 22 export markets have been identified as a focus in 2021.
KEPBA being a marketing agency with a huge mandate, cannot achieve its mandate without collaborations. “We see ourselves as enablers and have had engagements in areas of mutual interest with key stakeholders and partners. We want to hunt as a pack and are, therefore, keen to partner with all trade promotion organisations such as Kenya Tourism Board, Kenya Association of Manufacturers, Kenya Private Sector Alliance, Kenya Flower Council and Avocado Society of Kenya”.
Dr. Marube’s key approach is summarized in what he refers to as RE-VI-DO (Relevance, Visibility and Dominance) a mantra he is inculcating as a reflection to his staff members in a bid to build authority in the export sector.

At 46- years, Dr. Marube wears many hats; leading a parastatal, leading a member organisation, in academia, a parent, a gym enthusiast, and a seasoned public servant who has worked in the public service all his professional life.
As the current President of Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK), a member of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management Board, Dr. Marube believes that public relations is an important management function that goes beyond media relations and protocol to leadership and powerful advocacy that influences decision making.
His prowess was horned in different organizations that he has served in various capacities to advance excellence in public relations including Head of Public Relations and Communications at the Office of Auditor General and previously served in similar capacity at the Nairobi City Council.
He has been involved in strategy development and review exercises for public institutions and played a vital role on the development of a nationwide capacity building programme for media workers and led the team to development of a handbook on media reporting on audit findings.
He has also been in involved in communication policy development and was among the team that developed the draft Institute of Public Relations and Communication Management Bill that seeks to regulate the public relations and communication management practice in Kenya.
Dr Marube has also developed and reviewed communication strategies for public institutions. He is a qualified trainer and has lectured at the Strathmore University, Strathmore Business School and has trained for but to name a few, Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Kenya School of Law, Chartered Institute of Public Relations, and AFROSAI-E in Pretoria, South Africa.
He is a graduate of Moi University (Bachelor’s and PhD programmes) and Egerton University (Masters) and regularly contributes articles in the media on the area of communication and public relations.
Having the responsibility of leading the mandates previously handled by two separate state agencies, all eyes are on Dr Marube to realize Brand.ke vision and aspirations in the years to come and leverage these in support of the country’s business and its people.