The Most Amazing CEOs Leading Business with Ethics and Integrity

For those who know her well, Jacqueline’s journey to the top was inevitable. Known for her strategic mind and tireless work ethic, she has consistently been a leader who sees beyond immediate challenges and envisions a future of inclusive economic growth and fairness in the workplace.

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The Most Amazing CEOs Leading Business with Ethics and Integrity

At Andersen, Muema combines technical expertise with a progressive approach to leadership. His mission is to equip businesses and individuals with the knowledge to navigate complex tax landscapes.

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The Most Amazing CEOs Leading Business with Ethics and Integrity

One of Dr. Asonga’s crowning achievements is her active involvement in positioning Kenya as a tech hub. Long before the concept was adopted in the 2015 ICT Masterplan, she was advocating for Kenya to embrace its potential in the digital economy.

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The Most Amazing CEOs Leading Business with Ethics and Integrity

Sumayya’s commitment to financial inclusivity is evident in her efforts to bridge the gap in Shari'ah-compliant financial solutions across East Africa. Under her leadership, TIA appointed board members with expertise in law, Shari'ah compliance, and finance to establish the Takaful Umbrella Fund (TUF).

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The Most Amazing CEOs Leading Business with Ethics and Integrity

As New Client Acquisition & Product-Led Growth Leader for IBM MEA, Mukiira’s role is pivotal. She is tasked with expanding IBM’s reach across a region that encompasses over 70 countries, from the bustling hubs of Dubai to the emerging markets of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

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The Most Amazing CEOs Leading Business with Ethics and Integrity

Since her appointment in December 2022, Dr. Kande has propelled KNQA to new heights, leveraging her over two decades of experience in education and senior management to build a solid foundation for the Authority’s global recognition.

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The Most Amazing CEOs Leading Business with Ethics and Integrity

Under her leadership, Google continues to bring the world’s most advanced tools to local markets, including Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Ethiopia.

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The Most Amazing CEOs Leading Business with Ethics and Integrity

Over a distinguished 50-year career, Ashok has transformed the Group - including APA Insurance (Kenya and Uganda), APA Life Assurance, Apollo Asset Management, and an associate, Reliance Insurance Tanzania - into a regional powerhouse.

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