Last Word: CSR, ESG and the SDGs: moving to centre stage
As far as ESG is concerned, they have been making excellent progress in each of the three components, and again not merely to be compliant with laws and regulations.
As far as ESG is concerned, they have been making excellent progress in each of the three components, and again not merely to be compliant with laws and regulations.
Rotary has continuously evolved, becoming an organisation that brings together businesspeople and professionals worldwide.
Davis & Shirtliff is heavily invested in developing appropriate technologies with a focus on renewable energy that can provide affordable and enduring solutions to improve sustainable access to clean water.
As a premier reporter of the business world, Business Monthly EA has taken up the responsibility of celebrating the Top 25 Corporations and Organisations Leading in Social Responsibility in 2023, in a bid to shove up their efforts.
Kenya banned GM crops in 2012. The ministerial statement on the ban was largely informed by a 2012 a scientific report.
Currently, the path towards being acclaimed as a saint involves several stages and may take many years to complete.
Globally, microplastics research is still in its infancy as the scale of the problem has only become apparent in recent years.
WHO acknowledged these factors when it excluded Africa from its first Global Malaria Eradication Campaign, which ran from 1955 until 1969.
Overall, the success of adolescents in school is an outcome of communication.
Africa’s livestock farmers are at the forefront of climate change.