Yes, you can still get Covid after being vaccinated, but you’re unlikely to get as sick
How a person responds to a vaccine is impacted by a number of host factors, including our age, gender, health and stress levels.
How a person responds to a vaccine is impacted by a number of host factors, including our age, gender, health and stress levels.
It takes time to design and build a manufacturing plant, to obtain all the regulatory approvals, and to establish quality control processes.
Covid-19 vaccines offer a safe and reliable path to immunity against both the older strains of coronavirus.
It will take time to achieve herd immunity. So, we’ll need to keep a strong quarantine system in place until we’ve got the job done.
Although not all the mutations are thought to be important, the effect of any individual mutation might be changed by the presence of other mutations (an effect called epistasis).
There is little or no direct evidence that virulence decreases over time. While newly emerged pathogens, such as HIV and Mers, are often highly virulent, the converse is not true.
Early studies reported that many more people who were overweight or obese were admitted to an ICU and needed mechanical ventilation than people who were not overweight or obese.
By John McLauchlan, Professor of Viral Hepatitis, University of Glasgow Around the world, 71 million people have been infected with the hepatitis C virus. The primary route of infection is…
Conventional anti-corruption measures and approaches often seek to scale up penalties and, by so doing, increase deterrence. Some focus on better laws, regulations and education and awareness campaigns about the negative effects of corruption.
By Peter Macharia, Newton Int'l fellow at Lancaster University and Visting researcher, KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme and Emelda Okiro, Head of Population Health Unit, KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme…