How drug companies are sidestepping the WHO’s technology transfer hub in Africa

Moderna’s decision to continue making the vaccine itself, though on the Kenyan site, is a signal that the company (at least for the moment) is not considering licensing its technology to a third party for local manufacture.

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Can employers require workers to take the Covid-19 vaccine? 6 questions answered

Given the broad set of rights that the law gives employers in order to promote health and safety, in some cases it is possible for an organization to go even further and terminate employment if a worker refuses vaccination and there is no reasonable way to provide an accommodation.

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Backlash against Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine is real and risky – here’s how to make its rollout a success

If states don’t plan carefully for how the vaccines are distributed, the result could be a nightmare of frustrated patients and wasted vaccine.

Continue ReadingBacklash against Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine is real and risky – here’s how to make its rollout a success