Publisher’s Note: Selection criteria for Top 25 Most Transformative Leaders to Watch in 2021

From our analysis, these 25 men and women appear to share a common thread: they remain consistent in pursuing results in all the public spaces they occupy, they display hard work, patience, focus and diligence. And that in staying the course, these are the attributes of leadership needed to transform institutions, systems and processes.

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Hip hop and Pan Africanism: from Blitz the Ambassador to Beyoncé

We’ve seen important collaborations between hip hop artists across Africa and in the diaspora that go back to the early 1990s. But we see an increase after 2010. When African artists started using social media and file sharing, they were able to increase their collaborations.

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5 ways the Biden administration may help stem the loss of international students

President Joe Biden’s election signals a new day for international education. This is evident based on a slew of Biden’s executive orders, many of which revoked immigration and travel restrictions imposed by the Trump administration.

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