Publisher’s Note: The criteria in decision making of The Top 25 Resorts, Tours and Travels Brands Transforming The Customer Experience In Kenya 2022

As an equal opportunity and an all-inclusive media, we have included worth micro and small businesses that we feel are outstanding and deserving.

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Conflating morality and the law do South Africa’s governing party no good

Morality shapes people’s lives, including their thoughts and actions, on the basis of what society generally accepts as right and wrong. It is used to check people’s “self-interested, emotional, or sentimental reactions to serious questions of human conduct”.

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Double cab: 2021 Toyota Hilux

The Hilux maintains its renowned off-road performance, load-carrying capability, stability and body control. The retuning of spring rates, shock absorbers and suspension bushes as well as revised cabin mounts deliver a more agile handling response and improving ride comfort, particularly when unladen on country roads and over speed humps.

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