Shutting down the internet doesn’t work – but governments keep doing it
Online spaces have become the platform for various forms of political expression that many states especially those with authoritarian leanings consider subversive.
Online spaces have become the platform for various forms of political expression that many states especially those with authoritarian leanings consider subversive.
Global population growth is threatening the security of water supply and when coupled with the impacts of climate change, it is clear that our historical approach to the provision of water may not remain feasible.
By increasing the participation of women in industry we, directly and indirectly, seek to achieve our overall economic goals in terms of increasing employment opportunities, advancing skills and innovation and providing them with financial security for themselves and their families, which results in better living conditions for the entire community.
By Dr Hanningtone Gaya PhD, EBS, Former Chairman- Brand Kenya Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, states a classic idiom that we ought to be all aware of. Kenya…
By Michelle D'Arcy, Assistant Professor in Political Science, Trinity College Dublin It is five years since Kenya shifted from centralised control to devolution in which 47 counties were given a…
Following on the heels of Bouteflika’s resignation amid massive protests and the nomination of a caretaker president, the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations came in the right time.
Split into six phases, DART has triggered a major overhaul of the city’s road infrastructure—by its completion, 137km of new roads will have been built.
Recently, big businesses like Amazon, Apple, Coca-Cola, Facebook, Nike and Uber have all pledged contributions to advocacy organizations focused on racial equality and criminal justice reform. This is another example of corporate activism.
Research shows that advertising agencies and clients act opportunistically both before and after the signing of a contract.
Legal auditing is the interrogation of an entity’s documentation, policies, processes, and operating procedures, to ascertain compliance with prevailing legal requirements.